Initial Brand Guidelines

Graphic Design
Created using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign

Project Overview

Students were tasked to create a personal brand and create an identity for that brand. I created a brand identity guide, which contains the central idea, logo, and colours behind my personal brand. Things have since changed, especially while working on this portfolio. While the logo has remained, my vision for the brand and where I am personally is different than around a year ago (at the time of writing, DEC 2023) and as such updates to these brand guidelines will be added. I am sticking with the logo, but the brand identity and colours will be changed (you can see the start of these changes on the portfolio guidelines). While both my skill-set and personal life has changed since the creation of these guidelines, I hope you will enjoy what was created.

Logo Prototypes

Sketches of the logo for personal brand
Variations of the logo with the letters BR and a dot signifying an I. The colors are purple and green for some logo variations, while others are black or white

Logo Variations with Initial Colours

Initial Brand Guidelines

"Brisam is a currently solo operated brand that aims to create visually stunning content that brings in a diverse range of styles. Diversity is a key value, as inspiration can be taken from anything if you know what to look for, so keeping a very open mind is of utmost importance. Visual storytelling is another key value, as storytelling through art enhances it greatly, and allows the artist to share great stories they’ve learned (for example, folklore) or their own creative tale through artwork, for the ultimate purpose of telling great stories through new media. While I don’t have any experience in the new media industry and am still completing my education, the power of new media production software and the wide range of tutorials online make it so anyone can learn to create amazing art. Keeping up with industry trends is also important, to know what is resonating with people most, and quite simply, what looks great; in order to ensure whatever content is being created is keeping up with modern standards. I want to keep a relaxed yet professional tone of voice with the brand, to stay friendly while also using language that is standard across the industry. This is another goal, to not be too professional and remain friendly and open with created content, the website, and any other text. This tone will be applied to the whole brand, in order to avoid alienating anyone in the audience."

Portfolio Brand Guidelines